Elevation Geodata

Atlas iZemZ Geospatial Systems produces DSM & DTM from commercial satellite images. We pick the right imagery provider and the right data to reduce your costs while improving the quality of product.

3D Models & Points Cloud

Using our textured models, get realistic views of your area of interest in 3D/4D and deeply understand your environment before decision making process. We provide tiled and no-tiled models from aerial and satellite data.

AI classification

Automated object extraction from satellite and aerial images, using deep learning techniques. Post-processing and control process to ensure deivery of high quality products.

Global Coverage

We exploit the large satellite constellation of our imagery providers and partners to ensure 2D/3D products for any area of interest around the globe.

Earth Mapper

A light-weight api to automatically process your raw images in parallel architecture, and render high quality 2D/3D/4D products of your AOI.

Cross Platform Apps

We design 2D/3D/4D geospatial systems that ensure uploading, processing, sharing and comparing geodata according to your specifications.


Our Products & Systems

Step By Step


Contact us

Send us your area of interest, resolution, product type via our geoplatform BROWSE NOW



We will get back to you within 24h with differents solutions.



We would gather imagery, process and generate products for you.



We would send you a confirmation mail with link to download your product.

About Us

Atlas iZemZ Geospatial Systems is a geospatial company providing high quality 2D/3D/4D geo­products. With capabilities spanning a broad range of sectors, we provide satellite and aerial images analytics to help you unlock your daily business issues.

    Atlas iZemZ Geospatial Systems

    Industrial Zone, Bouskoura
    Kingdom Of Morocco
    Email: contact@atlasizemzgeospatial.com